
Clarity Blog

August 7, 2019

6 Books About Your Brain and Neuroplasticity - Easy Reads!

1. End of Alzheimer’s by Dale Bredeson. A great book explaining the necessary lifestyle changes to halt dementia and possibly reverse symptoms. Honestly, a good book for everyone to read, but a must for anyone fighting this themselves or with a friend/family member going down the spectrum.

2. Lost Connections by Johann Hari. Given to me by a friend who suffers from depression, it is a great read on why anxiety and depression are rampant in our society and things to implement today to help bring joy back into your life. Full of research that points towards the use of neurotransmitter drugs (such as SSRIs) being the wrong approach for many patients. Another great read for just about anyone with reminders of how to live a more fulfilling and connected life.

3. The Brain That Changes Itself by Norman Doidge. THE book on neuroplasticity. I am often asked where someone can read about functional neurology and this is the closest book I have found (that is still an easy read and not too medical). Inspiring stories of patients overcoming the odds and regaining function when allopathic medicine told them it wasn’t possible.

4. Brain Save by Titus Chiu. Written by a fellow chiropractic neurologist, this book gives easy to understand explanations to what may be going on in your brain. He also offers some exercise strategies and functional medicine interventions to try if someone is unable to get in with a functional neurologist. Purposely printed with slightly larger font and fewer sentences on each page for those who may have trouble reading presently (i.e. those suffering from post-concussive syndrome).

5. The Basis of Brain Rehab by John Hatch. Also written by a fellow functional neurologist, this book is also larger print, straight forward and explains what receptor-based rehab for neuroplastic changes means. This book is a quick read as well, with a great section on autonomics: parasympathetics versus sympathetics. Since many of us are stuck in “sympathetic dominance” due to work/life/environmental stressors, this is a good reminder of how important it is to regain parasympathetic activity effecting everything from sleep patterns to digestion.

6. Why Isn’t My Brain Working by Datis Kharrazian. Penned by one of my neurology professors and (unknown to him) a mentor who keeps me learning and trying to better myself for the good of my patients. A bit more dense, this book is very detailed taking you through neurotransmitters, different areas of the brain/brainstem and functional medicine interventions to work towards optimal health. I have read this book twice and get something more from it each time.  

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